Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sketchbook: Waning of the Year

Getting through the hyper smog of the holidays with an ailing rapidograph. (third piece down gives evidence of the death sputters) A new one sits snuggled in its case, at the ready. I've got a concept design illustration to do for work, a small group of blockprints to cut for a business and a minicomic about a petulant, chainsmoking french girl sitting on my desk to finish in the first moments of the new year. Sets a nice tone...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sketchbook: Her and Him

Sketchbook entries. Early December. Prismacolor markers and Rapidograph pen...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sketchbook: Nomember Decmember

Sketchbook selection from late November and early December...
note the evidence of my fifth (sixth?) rapidograph getting ready to give up the ghost.

Monday, December 05, 2011

A New Minicomic Has Begun!

Dave Grilli has written a new story we are converting into a minicomic! Hopefully this one will move at a better clip than Neonlove did. Using an illustrator who loves comics but isn't a big fan of squares and insists on reinventing the wheel and testing the mashy-ness of linear time doesn't do much for efficiency, but might come up with some novel ideas for 2D visual storytelling (we should be so lucky)

Here are some of the beginnings:
Mapping out the flow of the pages
Sketching page layout, with a little help...
Starting with midtones, {note: the neo-futurists pencil for extra inspirado}