Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sketchbook: October

...October 17................................................

...October 20................................................

...October 25................................................

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bony Lil's Creation + Distraction - on

Many thanks to the wonderful Michael Eades for doing a nice write up of the Bony Lil's Creation + Distraction! If you didn't get at chance, check out the films, freshly released last week. Being the second, Creation, has been getting less traffic but is the one crammed full of hand-crafted animation in techniques never before seen! Check them out. Pass them on.

A Making-Of video with documentary footage and discussions with the filmmakers is on the way! Some great doc shots and a brief of the process can be found on

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sketchbook: august, september, october...

It's been a while since I've posted things from the sketchbook. Writing and performing a solo show and moving a thousand miles will do that to a person. You will notice a distinct lack of time to make all pretty colors.
Here, so it's like you didn't miss a thing.





Blockprints: In-Progress

My wonderful friends at City Feed and Supply commissioned me to do a series blockprints based on the Chinese Zodiac. I've done a series of farm and cafe theme prints for them in the past. I have been working on five little prints and one big blister. I will post prints when they are complete.

In the meantime, head over to City Feed and order a #1 sandwich with avocado for me. mmmm.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

RELEASE! Bony Lil's Creation + Distraction!

Happy Birthday, Buster Keaton!!

Short film duet, Bony Lil's Creation + Distraction.
Silent Comedy. Hand-crafted Animation. Original Scores.
Watch online in entirety for the first time ever.

Zea Barker and Michael Pope present...


Bony Lil's Creaton + Distraction! Tomorrow!

Get Ready!
Distraction is 8.5 minutes and Creation is 10 minutes.
It's nice to take an intermission between them.

Movie time on the internet!!