Friday, July 27, 2007

Chicago: Show and Tell

So this one is a love story about me and the el. About two stories up is an ideal height to view a city from. I've had dreams like that.

Especially when the buildings are as pretty as the public library is.

Here is what it looks like when I get shown up in the 1"scale room category. Although, they had a team of folks and I bet they had more than 1.25 days per room.

Here is what it looks like when I get shown up by a tiger. The bear in my first animation piece, Popsicle, just made circles endlessly. THIS cat was rocking the infinity symbol. Deep motherfucker.

This a tiny cave filled with wrathing naked mole rats of all sizes.


Barnaby said...

NAKED MOLE RATS!!! WOW!! I love it!

Did you ever read Duncton Wood? It's actually a series of like six books.. a sort of Lord Of THe Rings.. for Moles..

by WIlliam Horwood...

Anonymous said...

nope. neat. I think the wind in the willows is the only mole book I've ever read.

back to work today...

I didn't get accepted to ottawa animation festival because they never got the disc. Now I need to figure out whether I forgot or whether the post office fucked up. Not that it matters tremendously now, but I'd like to know if I flaked on sending to them. (i don't think I did) rr.

Barnaby said...

Did you figure out which yet? I am spittin' angry at the Post Office right I am hoping it twas them to add to me outrage!

Barnaby said...

whoa. inadvertant pirate speak.

Anonymous said...

yep. found the receipt. It was them.

I'm pretty ticked. I thought I may have had a chance with that one. Never again without tracking. Maybe paying extra will get them to deliver.

Barnaby said...

that's unbelievable! I mean is things like that.. that make me want to (if my life were a movie) find out who did it.. figure out shit about their life.. and slowly fuck with them for a course of a year.. and then reveal how it happened and why....

no. really.

Anonymous said...

loving the new bonylil site!!!
(i hope i'm not way behind on realizing that.)

great stuff z!

Anonymous said...

nope, just finished yesterday.
took a little longer than I expected, but I like it better than the old one.