Thursday, November 29, 2007

some fun

so, this came, indirectly, from mr. ze frank. I'd never heard of the guy before. If you are NOT prancing around a spiffy house resplendent in your slippers, I would recommend #1, #2, #3, #6 and #8, rather than the whole shabang. dylan moran.

here's some scary chocolate cake I made:

glazed like donut. (not enough confectioner's sugar for a proper icing, I learned too late). anyway, it's fairly horrid. It has proved, through the years, that I have a propensity for baking experimentation with hideous outcomes. A tricky science not to be meddled with. Although the gingerbread I made was pretty good...

and aside from all this distraction, I am, in fact, making headway on ideas. pages of brainstorming. a full length bony lil live theatre piece in the works. Street stuff too. a quadrillion odds and ends. nearly to the point of needing to narrow some focus down.
I want to do everything of them.

In the meantime, here is a totally unauthorized sneak peak of a thing for the precious few. Please send along your fourth-grade-book-report style feedback.


Barnaby said...

Holy shit! Oh my god! Holy shit! Oh my god! Holy shit! Oh my god! Holy shit! Oh my god! Holy shit! Oh my god!

Zea! I just got the most unbelievably bursting with pride overwhelmed that your my pal how fucking brilliant while watching this feeling!

Seriously.. I love it. Those Neptuniansz must be beside themselves!

Barnaby said...

Just fucking awesome.

Anonymous said...

they seem to like it pretty good. It was pretty intense to show'm 'cause nobody but me is responsible for all parts of it.

I'm glad you like it some.

Barnaby said...

Watchin' Anger films here and avoiding everyone...

and feelin' the medz......

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